Watched 2 movies yesterday. Chernobyl diaries and The apparition.
Neither of these movies should have been released prior to the zombie apocalypse. They were not meant to be watched by people with any thinking abilities. On the other hand, both movies would have been great for watching for pure passing of time.
I hate wanna-be horror movies that does not feature any horror at all. Chernobyl diaries has many startling loud noises and blurry images flashing past on the screen. The directors were however too cheap to spend any money on make-up or monster costumes, so you never have any idea what was supposed to be so scary. That is a fine trick for once or twice through a movie, but it gets tiresome if that is the only trick the director knows.
Chernobyl diaries could not decide if it wanted to be a found-footage movie or a proper edited and scripted film. At times, the camera shots are well thought out and very professional. Other times the camera just swirl around and blurs out any vision, adding to the impression of just being cheap - see previous paragraph.
The apparition is, well, just dumb. Ashley Greene stars in the leading role and does a real great job. If it was not for her, this movie would have been banned from the shelves even after the said apocalypse. It is such a pity that her great acting was wasted on a poor script and poor directing. Once again, this movie has plenty blurry images and no real monsters. Not as cheap as the movie mentioned earlier, but still annoying. In the very last scene some attempt at cgi was made, but it was simply too late to save the movie. I have seen many movies where the plot line was given away in the first scene, but then usually, the rest of the movie would attempt to build further on the plot. In this one however, you end up thinking at the end, "what the hell. We knew all this after the first 10 minutes."
If you have seen any of these movies, please let us know what you think by adding a comment below.
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